Test Your Knowledge of the Scriptures

Challenge yourself and see what you know with a Bible test

Test Your Knowledge of the Scriptures

Challenge yourself and see what you know with a Bible test

“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” 

John 17:3


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#1. Why did God create Satan, the evil spirit that brought upon evil, suffering and death upon humanity?

God created a holy angel that corrupted its beauty. (Isaiah 14:12-15)


#2. Who was the author of Genesis?

God is the author of the Bible, and Moses was the instrument God used to record Genesis. (2 Timothy 3:16)


#3. How many plagues did God send upon Egypt so that King Pharoah would let God’s people go?

Exodus 7-11


#4. God warned Adam and Eve to not eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil however, Eve disobeyed and ate it. What is this forbidden fruit she ate and offered to Adam, which caused sin and death to enter mankind?

Matthew 12:33-34


#5. At the time of Moses, God commanded Moses to create a sanctuary here on earth according to what was shown to him. What did God show Moses that he had to create on earth?

Exodus 25:8-9


#6. At the 1st Coming, Jesus who fulfilled all the promises of God said, ‘It is finished” (Jn 19:30). What is it that Jesus finished?

Luke 24:44


#7. On the night of Passover, Jesus said that he will not eat the Passover again until a certain time at a certain place. What is the Passover meal He promised?

Luke 22:14-20, John 6:53-54


#8. In Matthew 24, it says that at the end of age, after the darkening of the sun and moon, and the falling of the stars, Jesus and the angels will return to do a certain work. What is that?

Matthew 24:29-31, Matthew 13:37-43


#9. In Revelation 20, it says that the dead will be judged according to what, and with what?

The words of God and Jesus (Books of the Bible) will be used to judge (Revelation 20:12-13, John 12:48)


#10. In Revelation 22, there is a warning of what will happen if anyone adds or subtracts from the Book of Revelation. What will happen if one does?

Revelation 22:18-19
